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Get models by ID from the database using SQLAlchemy

  • Set metadata above
  • Start writing!
  • Create start folder
  • Create end folder
  • Create per-file diff between end and start (use "Compare Folders")

Using the model class's query attribute, we have access to two very handy methods:

  • ItemModel.query.get(item_id) gives us an ItemModel object from the database where the item_id matches the primary key.
  • ItemModel.query.get_or_404(item_id) does the same, but makes Flask immediately return a "Not Found" message, together with a 404 error code, if no model can be found with that ID in the database.

When we use .get_or_404() and nothing is found, this is the response from the API:

{"code": 404, "status": "Not Found"}

The status code of this response is also 404.

We're going to use .get_or_404() repeatedly in our resources!

For now, and since we'll need an ItemModel instance in all our Item resource methods, let's add that:

class Item(MethodView):
@blp.response(200, ItemSchema)
def get(self, item_id):
item = ItemModel.query.get_or_404(item_id)
return item

def delete(self, item_id):
item = ItemModel.query.get_or_404(item_id)
raise NotImplementedError("Deleting an item is not implemented.")

@blp.response(200, ItemSchema)
def put(self, item_data, item_id):
item = ItemModel.query.get_or_404(item_id)
raise NotImplementedError("Updating an item is not implemented.")

Similarly in our Store resource:

class Store(MethodView):
@blp.response(200, StoreSchema)
def get(self, store_id):
store = StoreModel.query.get_or_404(store_id)
return store

def delete(self, store_id):
store = StoreModel.query.get_or_404(store_id)
raise NotImplementedError("Deleting a store is not implemented.")

With this, we're ready to continue!